杜維明, 1940-

詮釋《論語》「克己復禮為仁」章方法的反思 = Reflections on the interpretations of the passage from the Analects, "To master onself and return to propriety is humanity" / Reflections on the interpretations of the passage from the Analects, "To master onself and return to propriety is humanity" 杜維明著. - 臺北市 : 中央研究院中國文哲研究所, 民國104 [2015] - 89 pages ; 24 cm. - 中國文哲論叢 ; Occasional papers / Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy. Academia Sinica ; 第二號 = no.2 .

Parallel title from p. [4] of cover.

Includes bibliographical references.

Abstract also in English.

9789860441741 986044174X

Confucius. Lun yu.

Philosophy, Confucian.

PL2471.Z7 / T8 2015

Hong Kong Nang Yan College of Higher Education
Lee Yan Fong Library
325-329 Lai Chi Kok Road, Shamshuipo, Kowloon, HONG KONG