Bosselmann, Klaus.

Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability. - 1 online resource (570 pages)

Cover -- Contents -- List of Entries -- Reader's Guide: Articles by Category -- Glossary of Terms -- List of Contributors -- Series List for the Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability -- Introduction to The Law and Politics of Sustainability -- Publisher's Note -- A -- Armed Conflict and the Environment (Erasga) -- B -- Bhopal Disaster (Broughton) -- Biotechnology Legislation (Rhodes) -- Brent Spar (Zyglidopoulos) -- Brundtland Report (Bugge) -- C -- Chemicals Legislation and Policy (Karlaganis) -- Chernobyl (Sharma) -- Civil Disobedience, Environmental (Khan) -- Clean Air Act (Nagle) -- Clean Water Act (Andreen) -- Climate Change Disclosure - Legal Framework (Rhyne) -- Climate Change Mitigation (Trexler) -- Cod Wars (United Kingdom v. Iceland) (Jain) -- Common Heritage of Mankind Principle (Taylor) -- Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships (Sarna) -- Convention for the Prohibition of Fishing with Long Drift Nets in the South Pacific (Techera) -- Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships (Alam) -- Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (Caddell) -- Convention on Biological Diversity (Ripa Julia) -- Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution (Caddell) -- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (Kaempfer) -- Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (Pellander) -- Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (Caddell) -- Convention on Wetlands (Pritchard) -- Convention to Combat Desertification (Sarna) -- Copenhagen Climate Change Conference 2009 (Moncel) -- Customary International Law (Gillroy) -- D -- Dark Sky Initiatives (Dick) -- Development, Sustainable - Overview of Laws and Commissions (Voigt) -- E -- Ecolabeling (Teisl) -- Ecological Modernization Theory (Fulkerson) -- Ecosystem Management (Peine) -- Eco-Terrorism (Klein) -- Education, Environmental Law (MacKenzie). Endangered Species Act (Nagle) -- Energy Conservation Incentives (Newall) -- Energy Subsidies (Fershee) -- Enforcement (Mintz) -- Environmental Dispute Resolution (Nolon) -- Environmental Law - Africa, Saharan (Goldman) -- Environmental Law - Africa, Sub-Saharan (Kotze) -- Environmental Law - Antarctica (Hemmings) -- Environmental Law - Arab Region (Majzoub) -- Environmental Law - Arctic (Koivurova) -- Environmental Law - Australia and New Zealand (Shearing) -- Environmental Law - Central America and the Caribbean (Gonzalez Marquez) -- Environmental Law - China (Liu) -- Environmental Law - East Asia (Broadbent) -- Environmental Law - Europe (Marauhn) -- Environmental Law - India and Pakistan (Rosencranz) -- Environmental Law - Israel (Schorr) -- Environmental Law - Pacific Island Region (Rose) -- Environmental Law - Russia and Central Asia (Krasnova) -- Environmental Law - South America (Amaral) -- Environmental Law - Southeast Asia (Nardi) -- Environmental Law - United States and Canada (Gillroy) -- Environmental Law, Soft vs. Hard (Marauhn) -- European Union Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading Scheme (Fogel) -- Exxon Valdez (Knudsen) -- F -- Fair Trade (Thrasher) -- Fishing and Whaling Legislation (Currie) -- Forest Reserve Act (Straka) -- Free Trade (Thrasher) -- G -- Gabcikovo - Nagymaros Dam Case (Hungary v. Slovakia) (McIntyre) -- Genetically Modified Organisms Legislation (Connolly) -- Grassroots Environmental Movements (Horton) -- Green Taxes (Milne) -- I -- Intergenerational Equity (Norton) -- International Court of Justice (Jain) -- International Green Construction Code (Andrejko) -- International Law (Van Dyke) -- Investment Law, Energy (Cameron) -- Investment Law, Foreign (Miles) -- J -- Justice, Environmental (Westra) -- K -- Kyoto Protocol (Freestone) -- L -- Lacey Act (Goble) -- Land Use - Regulation and Zoning (Serkin). Law of the Sea (Freestone) -- Love Canal (Fletcher) -- M -- Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency (Mank) -- Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer (Jain) -- MOX Plant Case (Ireland v. United Kingdom) (Pellander) -- N -- Nanotechnology Legislation (Azoulay) -- National Environmental Policy Act (Anderson) -- Natural Resource Law (Freyfogle) -- New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone, Disarmament, and Arms Control Act (Ware) -- Nuisance Law (Freyfogle) -- O -- Ocean Zoning (Eagle) -- P -- Polluter Pays Principle (Roller) -- Precautionary Principle (Ahmed) -- Principle-Based Regulation (Pardo Buendia) -- R -- Real Property Law (Telesetsky) -- Refugees, Environmental (Westra) -- Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of Chemicals (Sachs) -- Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (Garcia Molyneux) -- S -- Silent Spring (Sims) -- Soil Conservation Legislation (Boer) -- T -- Tort Law (Rowell) -- Trail Smelter Arbitration (United States v. Canada) (Jain) -- Transboundary Water Law (Wouters) -- U -- United Nations - Overview of Conventions and Agreements (Pellander) -- Utilities Regulation (Eisen) -- W -- Waste Shipment Law (Ormond) -- Water Act (France) (Guyomard) -- Water Security (Hussey) -- Weak vs. Strong Sustainability Debate (Hackett) -- Wilderness Act (Kormos) -- World Constitutionalism (Feris) -- Index.

The Law and Politics of Sustainability explores efforts made to address pressing environmental concerns through legislation, conventions, directives, treaties, and protocols. Many articles explain the mechanics of environmental law as well as the concepts that shape sustainable development. Others discuss case studies and rulings that have set precedents, or consider approaches to sustainable development taken by legal systems around the world. Experts and scholars in the field raise provocative questions about the effectiveness of international law versus national law in protecting the environment, and about the effect of current laws on future generations. They analyze the successes and shortcomings of present legal instruments, corporate and public policies, social movements, and conceptual strategies-offering readers a preview of steps we must take in order to develop laws and policies that will promote genuine sustainability.


Electronic books.


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