Leung, Grace Suk Man.

Group intervention for Chinese elderly adults with insomnia using a cognitive-behavioural approach, and strategies and skills learning and development [electronic resource] / Grace Suk Man Leung,Timothy Yuk Ki Leung,Cecilia Man Sze Cheung,Sally Fung Yee Sin,Vega Yuen Yee Yeung &Candice Shun Yi Chan. - pp. 132-151.

Many elderly people are disturbed by insomnia. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition no longer considers insomnia as merely a symptom, secondary to medical and psychiatric problems, because insomnia has been found to cause depression, heart disease and accidents in older adults. Psychosocial treatment is preferable to pharmacological treatment in handling insomnia because of the lack of side effects. This study aims to examine the impact of group treatment on insomnia-stricken elderly people using cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) as well as strategies and skills learning and development (SSLD). These two approaches integrate well with each other. CBT modifies the dysfunctional beliefs and behaviours related to sleep, whilst SSLD enhances insomniacs’ awareness of their underlying needs. A mixed-methods research design revealed positive changes in night-time insomnia symptoms, daytime distress, dysfunctional beliefs about sleep, and depression. The suitability of the intervention model for Chinese elderly people is discussed.

許多老年人都受失眠困擾。《精神疾病診斷和統計手冊》(第五版)不再將失眠視為醫學和精神問題引發的症狀,因為失眠本身可導致老人抑郁、心髒病和意外事故。在治療失眠方面,心理社會治療較藥物治療優勝,因為心理社會治療沒有副作用。研究團隊運用認知行為療法(CBT)及知行易徑系統(SSLD),以小組工作手法協助受失眠困擾的老年人。本研究旨在探討此小組治療對失眠患者的影響。這兩種方法相輔相成, CBT改變了失眠者對睡眠的負面思想和行為,而SSLD增強了失眠者對其內在需要的覺察。從量化和質性研究結果顯示參加者在以下範疇都有正面改變:夜間失眠症狀,失眠導致白天不適的症狀,睡眠的負面思想和抑郁症狀。本文亦討論治療模式對中國老年人的適用性。

Mode of access: Internet.

Chinese elderly people, insomnia, cognitive-behavioural therapy, strategies and skills learning and development

Hong Kong Nang Yan College of Higher Education
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325-329 Lai Chi Kok Road, Shamshuipo, Kowloon, HONG KONG