Guan, Xinping.

Equal rights and social inclusion actions for improving welfare access by rural migrant workers in Chinese cities / [electronic resource] : Xinping Guan. - pp. 149-159.

In recent years the government and the public have given more attention to formulating a social welfare policy for rural migrant workers in China's cities. However, in protecting their well‐being an inclusive policy and institutional reform will be needed. This paper explores the needs of rural migrant workers living in the cities and the basic principles upon which an institutional framework could be developed for incorporating them into the urban social welfare system. It argues that political commitments made by the government, both in welfare provisions and in making appropriate institutional reform in the current dualistic welfare system separating the rural and the urban, must be in place before their welfare needs are met and welfare benefits are accessed. 近年來, 中國政府和公眾對城市中的農民工的社會福利政策給予了更高的關注。 然而, 要提高農民工的福利水平還需要有更具包容性和制度化的改革。 本文探索農民工在城市中的生活狀況, 以及將農民工納入城市社會福利體系的制度構架、基本原則和社會經濟環境。 作者認為, 要從根本上解決農民工的社會福利問題, 應該將他們納入到城市社會福利體系之中。 為達到此目標, 在政府對農民工的社會福利做出了政治承諾的基礎上, 關鍵是要針對農民工當前和將來在對社會福利的基本需要, 以及他們在城市中就業和生活的特點而設計合理的制度安排。 同樣重要的是應該采取相應的社會行動而改善其社會環境, 以便使農民工能夠真正融入城市社會。

Mode of access: Internet.

rural migrant workers, social welfare, social policy, China

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