Guo, Baorong.

Asset‐based policy in rural China an innovation in the retirement social insurance programme / [electronic resource] : Baorong Guo,Jin Huang ,Li Zou &Michael Sherraden. - pp. 63-76.

In response to growing rural–urban inequality, China is undertaking a series of policy initiatives to promote rural development. In addition to redistributive policy aiming at social protection, asset‐based policy, which integrates social protection and social investment, are a viable option for progressive rural development. In 1998, the Hutubi local government in Xinjiang, China, implemented an innovative retirement programme that allows account holders to use accounts as legal collateral to borrow small loans and invest in productive assets, education, and small businesses. Using the data gathered by the programme organizers and in‐depth interviews with programme participants, this case study closely examines the Hutubi programme. We examine the programme's key features, which have effectively encouraged asset building in a rural community, and identify the programme's strengths and weaknesses. The success of the Hutubi programme has implications for asset‐based policy development in rural China. 為了回應城鄉日益擴大的不平等, 中國現正實施一系列新政策以鼓勵農村發展。 除了以社會保護為目的的再分配政策外, 資產為本的政策綜合了社會保護和社會投資, 是推進農村進步性發展的可行選擇。 1998年, 中國新疆呼圖壁地區政府實施了嶄新的養老計劃, 容許戶口持有人利用保險戶口作為法律擔保, 借出小額貸款及投資在具有效益的資產、教育及小型企業上。
透過項目組織者所收集的數據, 以及與參與者進行的深入訪談, 本研究個案將詳細剖析呼圖壁項目。 我們檢視了項目的主要特征, 這些特征有效地促成了農村社區資產的建立。 我們還分析了項目的優缺點。 呼圖壁項目的成功對中國農村實行資產為本的政策發展有著深遠的啟示。

Mode of access: Internet.

asset building, rural China, retirement insurance, social investment, IDA

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