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Beauty entrepreneurs : an insiders' guide on how to start a beauty business, survive it and succeed in it /

by Williams, Michelle F [author.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: [S.l.] : Lulu Publishing Services, 2013Description: 77 p. ; 21 cm.ISBN: 9781483400853; 1483400859.Subject(s): Beauty shops -- Management | New business enterprises -- Management | Beauty shops -- Management -- Handbooks, manuals, etc | Beauty shops -- Equipment and suppliesSummary: I consider myself an entrepreneur even though I spent 25 years in the corporate world. My passion is the beauty business. I created a consulting company to work primarly with beauty entrepreneurs. I was a beauty buyer and then advenced to become a Vice President in the high end department store category. For much of my career I observed people coming to sell me new products they created. So many had such great ideas but often missed the critical points they needed in order to sell into stores. Once I left the corporate world and began my own company to assist entrepreneurs in beauty, I was able to see the steps being taken to create a business in beauty. I learned even more about what to do and what not to do on every level. I knew writing this book and sharing all the tips I had for beauty entrepreneurs would help start up businesses to avoid the 10 most common mistakes and save money by working with the right support.
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