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Global perspectives in Korean intercountry adoption [electronic resource] /

by Fronek, Patricia.
Material type: materialTypeLabelArticleDescription: pp. 21-31.Subject(s): intercountry adoption, globalization, Actor Network Theory, South KoreaOnline resources: Click here to access full-text article In: Asia Pacific journal of social work and development 2006, Vol. 16, No.1Summary: Policy and social work practice currently lack a theoretical framework that adequately explains the emergence, diffusion, and continuance of the intercountry adoption (ICA) phenomenon. Using South Korea as a case study and the application of actor network theory to the ICA phenomenon, this paper introduces a theoretical approach that allows an examination of the complex interrelationships between the global and local influences of a country's engagement in ICA. This theoretical approach provides a different way of understanding the phenomenon, which, in turn, can better inform policies and practice that affect children and families across the globe.
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Policy and social work practice currently lack a theoretical framework that adequately explains the emergence, diffusion, and continuance of the intercountry adoption (ICA) phenomenon. Using South Korea as a case study and the application of actor network theory to the ICA phenomenon, this paper introduces a theoretical approach that allows an examination of the complex interrelationships between the global and local influences of a country's engagement in ICA. This theoretical approach provides a different way of understanding the phenomenon, which, in turn, can better inform policies and practice that affect children and families across the globe.

Mode of access: Internet.

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